Sorescu Andreea Cristina: about painting, art and beauty
Sorescu Andreea Cristina — is a painter artist and a business woman. Was born in Romania on 27January’91. She studied architecture and design at the University of Bucharest. For 3 years has been focused on the wine culture, becoming the Founder of «Grapes the Wine Bar», one of the most exclusive wine bar in Bucharest.
— Did you always know you wanted to be an artist?
— I still can’t say I know exactly what an artist means. I remember I always wanted to be someone special and inspiring! I guess the greatest perk that comes with it though is the knowledge and freedom. Behind my artwork is a long story. I started 10 years ago as a passion, but sometimes life distracts us from doing what we really wish to do!
I discovered the culture of wine, a world full of elegance and refinement of the senses. Wine is the only artwork we can drink! I always wanted to do special things to evolve,and people really evolve when what they do is out of passion!
— How you decided to paint again?
— This was not a decision, was a revelation. Last year, when my grandmother past away I’ve had such a sad time in my life and I prayed and asked her what to do with my life. Those we love never truly leave us!
There are things that death can’t touch! I returned to my true passion, and I strongly belive that artists should be appreciated and recognized during their life time. Unfortunately their artworks are valued only when they are no longer among us.
— Do you consider yourself creative?
— I think creativity means making something. We are constantly creating things everyday, but artists create more intensively.
My creative energy is deeply influenced by everything related to the soul. My paintings are about spirituality, all we have in our souls takes different forms!
— Tell us about your process, where do your ideas come from?
— The moment I start painting I’m transported into another world. I’m more focused on female silhouettes, on portrait images.
My world includes everything related to beauty, elegance, rebirth, evolution of human beings, Universe, composition and decomposition of the soul!
— What are you creating at the moment?
— I create feelings, painting is the mirror of the soul!
Paintings from my private collection ~The Sacred Women~ were designed and created for exclusive people and true art lovers of art, who know to appreciate and feel the artist!
As a final description of my belifes:
«Nothing will enrich your life much as the appreciation of art. If you want to ”Live Rich”, absolutely you have to include art in your life», — Marc M.Ford.